AMSOIL Interceptor Synthetic High Performance 2-Cycle Oil
June 5, 2015
AMSOIL Dominator Synthetic 2-Cycle Racing Oil
June 5, 2015AMSOIL Saber Professional Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
Designed for pre-mix applications as lean as 100:1 ratios or richer. Improves throttle response and lowers or eliminates smoke. Minimizes deposit formation and lowers emissions. While two-stroke engines are widely used in handheld power equipment due to their high power-to-weight ratio, equipment owners and operators are faced with exhaust smoke, the task of properly mixing oil and gas for different equipment manufacturers, and premature wear and engine failure. AMSOIL SABER® Professional Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil effectively addresses these issues and more. Specially formulated AMSOIL SABER Covers All Mix Ratios for pre-mix, air-cooled applications, it withstands high heat and stress to protect engines against wear and harmful deposits. SABER Professional offers outstanding protection and performance at lean mix ratios referred to as the SABER Ratio™. Using the SABER Ratio eliminates the need for mixing different ratios for different equipment, while smoke is virtually undetectable. With AMSOIL SABER Professional, there is no compromise. It saves time and money while delivering the ultimate convenience and engine protection. AMSOIL Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil has been providing improved performance and protection in two-stroke engines since 1973. Saber Professional is specifically designed for small engines including, but not limited to, chain saws, lawn equipment, blowers, chop saws, pumps, scooters and go-carts. Perfect for lawncare and landscaping companies who can now use one mix for all 2-cycle equipment. ISO-L-EGD, JASO FD, API TC
SABER® Professional Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil
One Oil Covers All Mix Ratios
Designed for pre-mix applications as lean as 100:1 ratios or richer. Improves throttle response and lowers or eliminates smoke. Minimizes deposit formation and lowers emissions. Performance emphasis on hand-held power equipment such as chainsaws and lawn/utility equipment.
Package sizes include:
- 1.5-oz Pillow Pack
- 3.5-oz. Bottle
- 8-oz. Bottle
- Quart Bottle
- 1-Gallon Bottle
- 30-Gallon Drum
- 55-Gallon Drum
We tested SABER Professional at a 100:1 mix ratio compared to other two-stroke oils at 50:1, and the results are clear: SABER Professional dominated the competition in every area of performance. Even when using half as much oil, SABER Professional does a better job fighting carbon deposits that rob engines of power and reduce their service life. It helps landscapers, contractors and other professionals work more efficiently and cut costs.
Improves Engine Operation & Life
SABER Professional’s high-quality synthetic base oils burn more cleanly than other synthetic and conventional base oils. It eliminates carbon deposits that lead to stuck piston rings, clogged exhaust ports and plugged spark arrestor screens. Following 300 hours of professional-use testing in ECHO* string trimmers, SABER Professional mixed at 100:1 resisted carbon better than ECHO Power Blend* XTended Life* Universal 2-Stroke Oil mixed at 50:1 (see images). For complete test results, see the ECHO 100:1 String Trimmer Technical Study (G3470).
Cuts Oil Costs
Mixing SABER Professional at 100:1 cuts oil costs by 50 percent or more while still providing unmatched protection and performance. It allows professionals the best of both worlds — reduced costs and increased protection.
Smokeless Operation
SABER Professional passes the industry-standard smoke test at the standard rich mix ratio. When mixed at the SABER Ratio, smoke is virtually undetectable. Equipment operators subjected to smoke and fumes benefit from these low-emission properties.
- Excellent lubricity and cleanliness
- Controls friction and helps prevent wear, plug fouling, ring sticking and exhaust port blocking
- Smokeless – delivers fewer emissions at 80:1 and 100:1
- Stabilizes fuel during storage
- Delivers outstanding protection and performance at lean mix ratios
Fuel Stabilization
SABER Professional provides the additional benefit of fuel stabilization to help prevent fuel from deteriorating during storage and causing poor engine performance. There is no need to add an additional fuel stabilizer when putting equipment into seasonal storage.
Use in all two-stroke handheld equipment where JASO FD ISO-L-EGD or API-TC oils are specified, including STIHL*, ECHO*, Toro*, Shindaiwa*, Craftsman*, 4-mix STIHL and Hybrid 4 Shindaiwa engines.
Use at conventional mix ratios or the SABER® Ratio,™ regardless of the mix ratio specified for the equipment. For maximum benefit, use the SABER Ratio.
Conventional | 32:1 | 4.0 oz. | 1 U.S. GAL |
Conventional | 40:1 | 3.2 oz. | 1 U.S. GAL |
Conventional | 50:1 | 2.6 oz. | 1 U.S. GAL |
SABER® Ratio™ | 80:1 | 1.6 oz. | 1 U.S. GAL |
SABER® Ratio™ | 100:1 | 1.3 oz. | 1 U.S. GAL |
AMSOIL SABER Professional Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil is Warranty Secure, keeping your factory warranty intact. SABER Professional is a high-performance replacement for equipment manufacturer-branded products and is also backed by the AMSOIL Limited Warranty. For details, click here.
This product is not expected to cause health concerns when used for the intended applications and according to the recommendations in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Keep Out of Reach of Children.
* All trademarked names and images are the property of their respective owners and may be registered marks in some countries. No affiliation or endorsement claim, express or implied, is made by their use. All products advertised here are developed by AMSOIL for use in the applications shown.